About Lisa Quayle HBCE

I always wanted a family so when I become pregnant I was ecstatic and couldn't wait to become a mother. What I had not really given any thought about up until this point was labour. I realised that I had only ever heard negative stories from other mothers and I really started to worry that this was going to be my experience of birth. So many people shared negative stories with me during my pregnancy that I started to feel really nervous about it and decided to look into what I could do to prepare. This is when I discovered HypnoBirthing® and it just made sense to me, of course I could do it, this is what my body is designed to do. I booked on to a course with a wonderful practitioner and went along with my husband. I loved the course and practising the techniques in my own time was a great way to relax and have some 'me time' and also time to connect with my baby. The course also gave my husband an understanding of HypnoBirhting®, a role to play in labour and techniques to support me which was wonderful as sometimes partners can feel helpless during the birth. Hypnobirthing® changed our outlook, I was no longer scared of the most natural experience a woman can have but instead felt excited about the empowerment and strength I would feel to birth my baby naturally.

After experiencing the wonderful births of my own children through HypnoBirthing® I wanted to share the method to help other woman so they too could have a natural, calm and beautiful birthing experience. This led to my training to become a Marie Mongan certified practitioner in HypnoBirthing®.

I am incredibly passionate about helping mothers feel confident to birth their baby, and changing the narrative of birthing being a painful challenge to being the natural, beautiful miracle that it has been for millennia.

Alongside being a HypnoBirthing® Practitioner, I am a qualified life coach and Neuro-Linguistic programming Practitioner with over 14 years experience of supporting and enabling people to achieve their personal goals.

I live in Bristol with my husband Stuart and our children Oliver, Anna and my step- daughter Grace.

My Mission is to provide the highest quality childbirth education to woman and their partners; to assist them in achieving calm, safe and gentle birthing, and to bring awareness of the importance of the consciousness of the developing baby and the essence of the growing child.